Jan Allegretti, D.Vet.Hom., is available as a consultant to individual caregivers; rescue organizations, shelters, and sanctuaries; and at conferences and workshops.
For Individual Caregivers:
Jan offers assistance in assessing diet, lifestyle, home environment, and current treatment protocols for options to improve wellness and address health challenges of nonhuman animals. Strategies include dietary changes, homeopathy, herbs, nutritional supplements, detoxification internally and in the environment, and social and behavioral adjustments. Jan provides phone consultations to caregivers globally, and often works in conjunction with the animal’s veterinarian.
For Rescue Organizations, Shelters, and Sanctuaries:
The consultation is designed to assist organizations in the implementation of holistic protocols in their facilities and in foster homes. Outcomes include improved overall health of the animal population, a deepening and enhancement of the relationships between caregivers and animals, and reduced health-care costs for the organization. The consultation can be modified to focus on specific concerns of the organization, but most often begins with a comprehensive assessment of current practices regarding diet, facilities, shelter maintenance, parasite and pest management, socialization, and more. Jan will prepare a written assessment and recommendations; review those with management; provide a Holistic Medicine Chest (HMC) for on-site use; and train staff in the implementation of protocols, including the use of homeopathy and other natural therapies supplied in the HMC. She is available for ongoing support after the initial consultation is complete.
At Conferences and Workshops:
Jan is a skilled instructor who enjoys tailoring talks and instruction to the needs and resources of attendees. At professional conferences she is adept at assisting veterinarians and veterinary practitioners in exploring holistic care as an extension of an allopathic practice, as well as expanding protocols in an existing holistic practice. For workshops offered to lay caregivers she makes complex strategies easy to understand and implement safely and effectively. Popular topics include her Fresh and Flexible™ meal plan, The Holistic Medicine Chest, homeopathy, cannabis, integrative medicine, a vegan diet for dogs and cats, care for senior companions, and hospice. Presentations may be delivered in thirty minutes, an hour, a day, or as a two-day event. Click here to see a sample class outline for a two-day workshop.
To arrange a consultation or schedule Jan as a speaker or instructor, click here.
All events are free unless otherwise noted. For more information, please see the contact information in the event listing, or contact Jan Allegretti
*All times are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted.*
Friday, October 15
Editorial: “Grains Are Good Food: Helping Caregivers Move Beyond the Grain-Free Diet Trend”
Jan Allegretti’s editorial will appear in the International Animal Health Journal, a peer-reviewed professional journal of the veterinary, pharmaceutical, and animal food development industries. In this article she dispels the myths that drove the recent trend toward grain-free diets for dogs and cats, and outlines strategies for supporting caregivers as they reintroduce this important, high-nutrient food source in companions’ diets.
Friday, July 23
Podcast: “Can Companion Animals be Vegan?”
Jan Allegretti will be a guest on Teach Me to Vegan, a podcast offered by the outstanding animal advocacy organization Animal Protection New Mexico. Jan and host Tony Quintana will discuss the many ways feeding our dogs and cats a vegan diet is beneficial for them as well as for animals used as food, and for the environment. She’ll share strategies for helping your nonhuman family members make the transition, and explain how easy it is to feed a truly nutritious diet using her Fresh & Flexible™ meal plan.
Sunday, August 1
Editorial: “A New Approach to Optimizing Nutrition for Dogs and Cats”
This cutting-edge article by Jan Allegretti, D.Vet.Hom., will appear in the International Animal Health Journal, a peer-reviewed professional journal of the veterinary, pharmaceutical, and animal food development industries. In her editorial, Jan points to the ways our current feeding practices undermine the health of dogs and cats, and explains why her Fresh & Flexible™ meal plan is the most effective way to meet the unique nutritional needs of every canine and feline family member.
March 12 through March 19
Streaming online.
“The Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit”
Have you ever wished you could feed your dog delicious, nutritious meals WITHOUT meat and other animal products?
Well, you can! Join Jan Allegretti and 16 other experts as as they explain how, at the first Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit. Each day is packed with essential information, including:
- little-known facts about how the animal-agriculture and pet food industries may be making your dog sick,
- which foods promote cancer and which foods prevent it,
- how to create nutritious, stress-free, home-prepared vegan meals your dog will love,
- how to increase your dog’s health and longevity with compassion for all animals,
- and much more!
Sign up for the Plant-Powered Dog Food Summit and gain the knowledge and confidence to raise a thriving, plant-powered dog!
Click here to register today and claim your complimentary BONUS GIFT!
Thursday, March 1, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Saguaro Lake, Mesa, Arizona.
“The Practicality of Changing to a Plant-Based Diet,” a presentation at the 2018 Advanced Meeting in Veterinary Homeopathy.
Contact: Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy.
Sunday, March 4, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Saguaro Lake, Mesa, Arizona.
“Treatment of Wildlife: ‘Lumpy Jaw’ in Deer,” a presentation at the 2018 Advanced Meeting in Veterinary Homeopathy.
Contact: Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy.
Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Sudhana Center, 225 Hope Street, Ukiah, California.
Unlocking the Cage, a documentary about the work of the Nonhuman Rights Project to establish legal personhood for nonhuman animals. Screening and discussion led by Jan Allegretti, Bhikshuni Heng Yin, and Ron Epstein. This event is co-sponsored by CARE: Compassion for Animals, Respect for the Earth and Dharma Realm Buddhist University.
Contact: CARE: Compassion for Animals, Respect for the Earth on Facebook or Dharma Realm Buddhist University
Saturday, May 26, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Emerald Pharms Cannabis Dispensary and Resource Center, 13371 U.S. Hwy 101, Hopland, California.
“Cannabis for Companion Animals,” mini-workshop and Q&A.
Contact: Emerald Pharms, (707) 669-4819.
Wednesday, June 6, 11:00 p.m. to midnight
KPFZ Radio, Lakeport, California.
“Home Health Care for Your Canine Companion,” a radio interview on Earth Wise, hosted by Chloe Karl.
In northern California tune in to 88.1 FM, or stream live at www.KPFZ.org.
Thursday, July 12, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Mendocino Book Company, 102 S. School Street, Ukiah, California
Book signing, discussion, refreshments.
Contact: Mendocino Book Company, MendoBook@pacific.net, (707) 468-5940
Saturday, August 11, 1: 00 to 4:00 p.m.
California Healing Institute, Boonville, California.
“Holistic Cannabis Therapy for Animals,” an introductory class for those who are new to holistic healing modalities, and for those who have experience using natural medicines for themselves and want to learn how to use them to care for their animal companions. We’ll discuss the simple steps you can take to create a foundation of good health, so your nonhuman friends can get the most benefit from natural medicines. We’ll explore a variety of healing modalities, and the benefits they can offer. You’ll gain an understanding of how cannabis works, and how you can safely use it to address a range of injuries and illnesses.
Contact: Wendy Read, (707) 895-9074, care@caretakersgarden.org.
Sunday, September 16, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
Wag Hotel, 25 14th Street, San Francisco, California.
Book signing and fundraiser for Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch in Napa Valley, California. 30% of book sales will benefit JARR. Everyone who attends will be entered to win a 2-night stay in Wag Hotel’s Ultra Suite–a $300 value!
Tuesday, November 13, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Online Webinar: National Center for Homeopathy.
“The Holistic Medicine Chest–for the Animals You Care For,” an online webinar for beginners and experienced users of homeopathy, as well as practitioners. Learn how you can create a first-aid kit to treat the most common injuries and illnesses–all with just 15 homeopathic remedies, herbs, and medicinal foods. Hosted by the National Center for Homeopathy.
Contact: Deb Dupnik, ddupnik@homeopathycenter.org.